From MedCity News: Cleveland, OH's Access Mobility has developed a mobile patient adherence system it calls CellepathicRx. The app sends medication reminders and wellness tips to patients, as well as coupons and advertisements.
From Bay News 9 in Tampa Bay, FL: Health care goes mobile, but who pays?
From Bay News 9 in Tampa Bay, FL: Health care goes mobile, but who pays?
"...the market for telemedicine hardware has grown to an estimated $125 million, according to research firm InMedica. The sector encompasses everything from self-dispensing pill boxes - designed to prevent medication errors - to smart phone applications that help diabetics manage their blood sugar levels.Planning to wait for hospitals to reinvent health care? Better settle in with some sandwiches and a Thermos of coffee. LOTS of sandwiches.
"The tricky part is finding a way to pay for telemedicine which doesn't fit into the traditional U.S. health care model centered around visits to the hospital and the doctor's office.
"But you need not wait until hospitals reinvent the health care business to benefit from telemedicine. There are already roughly 17,000 health-related applications for the iPhone, Android and other smart phones. Many cost as little as a dollar and are available without a prescription."