Thoughtful brand-builders should learn a few lessons from car maker GM's struggle for survival. Lesson #1: brand proliferation, once thought a strength, can quickly become a crippling weakness as too many brands clamor for limited resources and finite consumer attention. One author suggested that GM retreat to two, possibly three brands - volume, luxury and heavy duty - Chevy, Cadillac and, maybe, GMC . Retreat to the core, to a position you can defend and, more importantly, a position from which to grow. Great advice, for GM and perhaps for marketers in the health care provider space too. Many health care marketers struggle with the same issue, as facilities and service-lines claim a right to their own identity. Before you know it, there's a GENERIC Cardiac Center, the LOOKATUS Oncology Institute, and a METOO Neuro Complex. Multiply that by the number of hospital campuses and major "name" donors; it doesn't take long for resources to be spread miles wide ...