"(Because) even though (businesses are) sitting on $2 trillion in cash, they’re risk-averse, strategically incremental, and notably lacking in fresh ideas.
"We think this stinks. The world needs invention and daring now more than ever. Now is the time for audacity, not austerity. "So here's HBR's list (the full article requires registration.)
- Tackling the World Economy
- Give People Shares of GDP, by Robert J. Shiller
- Double Down on Start-ups, by Bruce Gibney and Ken Howery
- Partner with China in Afghanistan, by Wayne Porter
- Enroll the World in For-Profit Universities, by Parag Khanna and Karan Khemka
- Tackling Science Challenges
- Give NASA a Real Mission, by Gregg Easterbrook
- Declare 20% of the Ocean Off-Limits, by Enric Sala
- Electrify the Bottom of the Pyramid, by Arun Majumdar
- Tackling Social Problems
- Die the Way You Want To, by Ellen Goodman
- Pay Businesses to Keep People Out of Prison, by Eric Schmidt
- Grow More Apples and Less Corn, by Ellen Gustafson
- Tackling Business Problems
- Stop Tying Pay to Performance, by Bruno S. Frey and Margit Osterloh
- Crowdsource Management Reviews, by Linda A. Hill and Kent Lineback
- Stop Collecting Customer Data, by Doc Searls
Let the arguing and ox-goring begin.