Asks Dave deBronkart, co-chairman of the Society for Participatory Medicine in a recent post on deBronkart is, of course, referring to the fraternity hazing-like processes patients frequently endure to get copies of their medical records, copies to which they are entitled by law, ethics and common courtesy.
Oh wait. Maybe I answered my own question right there with that last one.
CNN has more, here, along with the sub-head "You have to be a jerk." What industry doesn't love hearing its customers advised to act out to get what's rightfully theirs?
And isn't it time for health care to stop hiding behind HIPAA whenever tough questions are asked? For once, try finding an excuse that doesn't assume everybody listening to you is a raving nitwit.
Oh wait. Maybe I answered my own question right there with that last one.
CNN has more, here, along with the sub-head "You have to be a jerk." What industry doesn't love hearing its customers advised to act out to get what's rightfully theirs?
And isn't it time for health care to stop hiding behind HIPAA whenever tough questions are asked? For once, try finding an excuse that doesn't assume everybody listening to you is a raving nitwit.