The bigger and richer they are, the further they have to fall, says this article from Yahoo! Finance . Challenged by recession economics and fed up with the spoiled, arrogant rich, consumers are turning against brand icons like Tiger Woods, LeBron James, bankers in general, even Warren Buffett (for his dalliances with Moody's and Goldman Sachs.) "Money can buy a lot of things, but it can't buy public opinion ," ... "Free will is going to be free will. That's endemic of a much larger shift for the economic social movement." As pessimism and distrust of public figures reach all-time highs and hypersensitive consumers parse every word and action, forward-thinking health care organizations prize deep, reciprocal, trusting connections with customers. If fancy mission, vision and values statements mean anything, it's time to dust 'em off and start living 'em, every person, every shift, every day. Say it, do it, live it. While you're at ...