As part of their year-long focus on global health called "Be the Change: Save a Life," Good Morning America features Acumen Fund's work with LifeSpring Hospitals, just one of more than 50 Acumen Fund investments that are helping to change the way the world tackles poverty. Watch the video...
Now ask yourself why the same level of solutions-oriented design thinking couldn't be applied to YOUR community's difficult issues. You may not want to offer an entire episode of prenatal and obstetrics care for eighty dollars but I'll bet you can create a whole lot of value for a whole lot less than the status quo.
Just begin by tossing everything you think you know in the trash. What you think you know about your customers, their needs and preferences. About boundaries and constraints. About where to look for innovation and ideas. Above all, lose your edifice complex.
Focus on addressing high-priority needs in sustainable ways. And remember, a model where survival depends entirely and forever on donated funds is NOT sustainable. To use Acumen Fund's term, you need permanent, patient capital.
Michael Porter's recent HBR article calls it "shared economic value." Though he's advocating the concept as a new metric for corporate success, it has relevance for all organizations viewing the world and asking "What if...?" Why not...?"
It's possible. Contact me if I can assist. (
Now ask yourself why the same level of solutions-oriented design thinking couldn't be applied to YOUR community's difficult issues. You may not want to offer an entire episode of prenatal and obstetrics care for eighty dollars but I'll bet you can create a whole lot of value for a whole lot less than the status quo.
Just begin by tossing everything you think you know in the trash. What you think you know about your customers, their needs and preferences. About boundaries and constraints. About where to look for innovation and ideas. Above all, lose your edifice complex.
Focus on addressing high-priority needs in sustainable ways. And remember, a model where survival depends entirely and forever on donated funds is NOT sustainable. To use Acumen Fund's term, you need permanent, patient capital.
Michael Porter's recent HBR article calls it "shared economic value." Though he's advocating the concept as a new metric for corporate success, it has relevance for all organizations viewing the world and asking "What if...?" Why not...?"
It's possible. Contact me if I can assist. (