Words you don’t often see juxtaposed – ‘poor’ and ‘Warren Buffet.’ But perhaps some sympathy is in order.
Omaha’s Oracle has had a few misfires recently, first offering some patently stupid tax advice to the White House’s current occupant. You know of whom I speak - the leader of a clique believing any tax rates short of 100% are an opportunity-in-waiting.
Next he invests $5 billion in Bank of America. With the check’s ink barely dry, BofA says ‘See ya!’ to 30,000 jobs. Isn’t it swell being an Oracle?
He should’ve allocated that $5 billion among several dozen innovative startups, staying far away from the old-money banking triumvirate of fat, dumb and clueless. Some startups would have crapped out (just ask the White House…cough…Solyndra…cough.) but there’s no way the ensuing wreckage would’ve cost 30,000 jobs.
Now THAT’S change we can ALL believe in.
Omaha’s Oracle has had a few misfires recently, first offering some patently stupid tax advice to the White House’s current occupant. You know of whom I speak - the leader of a clique believing any tax rates short of 100% are an opportunity-in-waiting.
Next he invests $5 billion in Bank of America. With the check’s ink barely dry, BofA says ‘See ya!’ to 30,000 jobs. Isn’t it swell being an Oracle?
He should’ve allocated that $5 billion among several dozen innovative startups, staying far away from the old-money banking triumvirate of fat, dumb and clueless. Some startups would have crapped out (just ask the White House…cough…Solyndra…cough.) but there’s no way the ensuing wreckage would’ve cost 30,000 jobs.
Now THAT’S change we can ALL believe in.